High school friends

نيسان ـ نشر في 2015/06/16 الساعة 00:00
The best thing a person can do in his life is making friends and maintain a solid relationship with them. But, life does us apart not because we lost interest in our friendships, but more rather because life is too hectic, doing your undergraduate study and working to be able to pay your tuitions are enough to separate you from them. But, the best part is when they (old times high school best friends) come back into your life again. They come back as if you left them yesterday, they come back with the old memories in a time you thought you forgot about them. Whenever and wherever they come back they will be easily fit in your life without any inconveniences. You start to work on bridging the gap, start to talk about the things that happened while they were away. You two now had undergone different life experiences, and there were times when you needed them, but instead of making them come between you two, you will find a way to relate to his experiences as he is trying to relate to yours. And ultimately you re-learn how to enjoy your time with each other and then you remember why you became friends with them in the first place.
    نيسان ـ نشر في 2015/06/16 الساعة 00:00